Finding Passion, with writing, crafting, and being happy.


One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was how to be happy.

At the beginning of 2023 I made several goals to myself, and committed to making my dreams real. Which included getting married to my best friend on June 4th, 2023. (My gown by the way? I got it for $350 on Ebay!)

I feel so blessed to be where I am today.

And yet, it took a lot to get here. A lot of heartache, a lot of pivoting, and a lot of soul searching.

I graduated with honors as a first generation, disabled, queer, student who studied entirely online.

I married my best friend.

I started crafting, creating, and making content all within the span of a months.

I also worked incredibly hard on everything, was laid off, have applied to hundreds of jobs, and decided to bet on myself.

So, I started writing. Not blogging, but crafting a story. A story that’s been in my soul for a very long time, and the process is hard. It’s different from anything else I’ve ever done. I can write a research paper, read scientific journals, read medical papers, and transcribe a variety of things no problem, but writing a novel?

That takes bravery, courage, a carefree foolishness and most of all, trust in myself and the universe.

Or faith, as some like to call it.

I’m not close to completion, but it is coming along and for that I am grateful. I am grateful for every day that I can be who I want doing what I love, whether that is crafting, making YouTube videos, or TikToks, or taking photos, or my ultimate passion, telling stories.

I am a storyteller. That is what I live to do.